Michael Ng


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In 2022, 4,734 Denver residents became new E-bike owners. The city’s E-bike  incentive program is considered successful climate and economic policy. Some of  the data collected:

 RMI (conservatively) calculates $1M in cumulative annual savings from the  program.

 RMI calculates that the program saved 0.94 Ib CO²e per dollar spent, for a  total of 2,040 MT CO²e avoided emissions per year.

· 29% of Denver E-bike redeemers who completed the program survey  indicated they were new to riding.

• 71% of the same survey respondents reported using their gas vehicles less  often.

· 67% of the program funding went to income qualified residents.

· 65% of Ride Report’s Ride App users were riding at least once daily, and 90% were riding weekly.

 The average trip length of Ride App users was 3.3 miles, with 84% of trips  less than 5 miles, and 65% of trips less than 3 miles.

· During the program rollout, shared bike and scooter trips in Denver  exceeded the highest recorded ridership since launching in 2018, demonstrating the complementary nature of the two city-supported  programs.

RMI is a think tank in the United States dedicated to research, publication, consulting, and lecturing in the field of sustainability, with a focus on profitable  innovations for energy and resource efficiency.

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