Q&A for Ambassador

How is the system protect my marketing efforts?

Ans: a user account can only have one Ambassador. Once logged, cannot be changed, unless the Ambassador account is terminated.

How do i get paid?

Ans:Ambassador can make request once a month to Land Motion via the web site to sell your coupons for cash.

How and when is the commission paid?

Ans:Every time when a user make a purchase, a post dated coupon equivalent to the amount of commission for the purchase will be deposited into the user’
s Ambassador account. Upon maturity of these coupons, Ambassador can request to sell them to Land Motion. The maturity date for these coupons is relatively dated with the return policy of the purchase items.

What do i need to do to make sales?

Ans:All you need to do is to distribute your business cards to potential customers. The user will need to scan the QR code on your business card. The action will swiftly register the user under the Ambassador. You may also want to pin up your poster on a community board. Similarly, the QR code on the poster is programmed with your unique account linked.

Can a user choose to change an Ambassador?

Ans: No, But, user can choose to be served by the company and not the Ambassador. The company will investigate each and every case of such event and potentially terminate your Ambassador account if you violate the company’
s rule and deemed to be unfit to be an Ambassador.

What are the most important rules to be an Ambassador?

Ans: The following rules will not be forgiven and will result in immediate termination of your Ambassador account. 1. Honesty. One has to be absolutely honest with your contacts and potential users, customers. 2. Treat your users with absolute respect. 3. No discrimination of any kind. 4. No stealing of anything belongs to a customer, IE. products, parts, gift, rewards, etc. 5. Respect privacy and rules of individual and organization, community.

What is the cost to be an Ambassador?

Ans: currently there is no fee to be an Ambassador. Land Motion will provide you with first batch of your business cards and posters. Printing files will also be given to you so that you can start your hobby business immediately without any cost. You may print more of the business cards and the posters when needed or order them from Land Motion at cost. To save some cost, we also provide online images for you to distribute via your social media. You are also allowed to make photocopies at your convenience.

When i move to another city, does that affect my Ambassador account ?

Ans: No, it doesn’t.

When i move to another country, does it affect my Ambassador account?

Ans: Your business base is valid for your base country of residency. Commissions and payment are base on the currency of your country of residency. If you are moved to another country and wish to start another business base in that country, you will have to register a new account. You may continue to keep your current Ambassador accounts if you wish.

Will the Ambassador account be terminated or cancelled?

Ans: Yes. If there is no activity for a continuous 180 days, the system will suspend your account. A suspended account will be terminated automatically after 360 days. Meanwhile, you may contact Land Motion to reactivate your account before it is terminated. Once the account is terminated, all users linked to the account will be moved to another Ambassador account and that cannot be reversed. However, your unclaimed matured coupons will still be available for you to sell for cash. Land Motion will make all efforts within limit to reach you before erasing your account.

Can i transfer my Ambassador account?

Ans: We are sorry that Ambassador account is not transferable to protect your benefits.

Can I merge my Ambassador accounts?

Ans: You should not have more than one Ambassador account. It is not possible to merge 2 or more Ambassador accounts.

Do i need to help in after sale support and why? Ans: Yes you do have to make sure that your customer is well taken care of after sales especially for the first 60 days. The best ways for you get more sales is referral from a happy customer.

How do I secure sales that is results from referral of my customer?

Ans: Always provide after sales support to ensure that your customers have excellent with their new bike. Always give a couple of your business cards to be passed on to their friends. Take photos of your customer and the new bike with your business cards at the bottom of the photo, share the photos with your customers’
social media.